Psychotherapy Leaders: Dr. Molyn Leszcz on Group Therapy, Part 1 of 2

Dr. Leszcz is a world-renowned expert in group psychotherapy and an extraordinary leader in Canadian psychiatry. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Group psychotherapy Association among other prestigious recognitions. Amongst his many publications, Dr. Molyn Leszcz co-authored with … Continue reading →

The Protection Paradox: Curbing Parental Overprotection

To be alive on the crust of this earth is to face many risks and dangers. This truth is at the heart of one of the biggest challenges parents’ face – how to manage these risks without resorting to overprotection–an … Continue reading →

The Practice Notebook of a Psychotherapy Trainee: ‘Client’ or ‘Patient’? and Why Does It Matter?

Ask Google to search “client vs. patient” and you will get about 22.5 million search results. The top hits are articles, blogs, and discussions by care providers with passionate arguments for either label. Some writers detest the term “patient” citing … Continue reading →

When change hurts, take heart, help is available

“Getting old is not for sissies” said Mae West. To this I would add: neither is experiencing great loss nor dealing with major illness. Most of us need help adapting to major changes in our lives. We all need to process … Continue reading →

The Practice Notebook of a Psychotherapy Trainee: Why is Psychotherapy Effective?

I froze like “a deer caught in the headlights.” My clinical supervisor repeated the question: “What would be a contraindication for this medication?” A reasonable question from a clinical supervisor for a senior medical student! Only ten minutes earlier, I … Continue reading →

The Practice Notebook of a Psychotherapy Trainee: Choosing the Patient for CBT

I am a nervous wreck! I am to conduct my very first series of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) sessions as a resident physician training in psychiatry.  I have read Dr. Beck’s “Cognitive Behaviour Therapy” and Dr. Padesky’s “Mind over Mood.” … Continue reading →

Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depression in Youth

What do we already know? After decades of research and collective practice, mental health care clinicians generally regard cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) as the treatment of choice for mild to moderate depression and anxiety in people of all ages.  Face-to-face … Continue reading →

Art Therapy: A Path to Resolution

Process in art is accomplished by allowing the inner world to express itself through the use of colours and space. Initially, there may be some caution and exploration, suggested by the light colours. As one proceeds, there is greater depth and … Continue reading →

Why I Became a Gestalt Therapist

During my training for the Masters’ Degree in counseling I read a weighty textbook about different psychotherapies.  One chapter described an exchange between a Gestalt therapist and his client. The client, Ken, was in his late-40s, depressed, and had a … Continue reading →

Art Therapy: A Path to the Unconscious

Feelings and perceptions are often stored in the brain in the form of images. These feelings can cause discomfort as they are buried in the unconscious for safekeeping. At times, life events in the present “kick the proverbial bucket” and feelings from the … Continue reading →