Renee Charette

Renee Charette

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) & Child and Youth Care Practitioner · Bachelor's (Toronto Metropolitan University, 2010)

Member of College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO), Transitional College of Naturopaths of Ontario

Psychotherapy Provider (Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)) and Complementary/Alternative Service (Child and Youth Care Practitioner)
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Accepting new clients

It is my joy and vocation to support children, youth, and adults in their process of becoming themselves more fully each day. I am an experienced Child and Youth Care Practitioner and a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) practicing virtually in French and in English in Ontario. Together we can help you find the words and symbols that best represent your experiences. I believe that authenticity is a creative process that enhances our capacity for making meaning and choosing purpose in our lives.

Primary Practice Location

Vivian Noehring Psychotherapy & Associates

Toronto, Ontario


Extended office hours: evenings, weekends

Website: (opens in new tab)

Success Story

My appreciation of neurodivergence and holistic developmental psychology frames my therapeutic approach to mental health. I am inspired by the daily choices people make to discover themselves more fully while embracing challenges with courage and tenacity. I am grateful for the ongoing experience of witnessing the power of what is possible through nourishing our relationships with ourselves and one another.

Years of Experience



Certificate (9915) of Membership of the Ontario Association of Child & Youth Care


Remembering the Self-actualizing Tendency: Lessons from a Child & Youth Care Student's First Attempt at Independent Research. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 25(3), 62-70, Nanaimo, BC · Oct 1, 2012

Additional Language Competency


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