Karen Thornton

Karen Thornton

Director of Clinical Assessments and Treatment · Master's (McMaster University, 2012)

Member of Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW)

Psychotherapy Provider (Registered Psychotherapist)
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Karen is a Clinical Social Worker based in Oakville, Ontario. She provides therapeutic services to individuals, couples and families of various racial, sexual, cultural and religious affiliations in Oakville, Mississauga, Woodbridge/Maple and Ajax. Karen has a background in psychology, sociology and social work and practices in the mental health field for almost 15 years. Karen is currently pursuing her accreditation in family mediation.
Karen believes that each individual is unique and does not try to fit the individual or couple into a single model but rather uses an eclectic approach that is client-centered and has the ability to deconstruct, allowing a positive view of self-construction with the assistance of cognitive techniques that examine false beliefs that has the potential to keep the individual ‘stuck’ in pain hopelessness, unhappiness and despair. Karen’s goal is to create space for the client to rewrite their own narrative/story with the support of registered clinical therapist.

Karen founded KMT The Learning Group in 2006 to provide a seamless integration of therapeutic approaches; such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), DBT, ACT, Strength Based Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy and Mindfulness techniques to clinically treat individuals struggling with mental health and addiction issues.
Karen is passionate about learning and acquiring therapeutic knowledge and skills to meet the needs of her clients. She demonstrates competencies in the areas of relationship attachment, trauma, addiction, and mental health (anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), learning disabilities, career and life dissatisfaction. She also specializes in concurrent disorders (dual diagnosis) that impair the lives of individual, couples and family.  

Karen’s personal and professional experiences have granted her significant insight into society’s structure and function that has the ability to interfere with the interconnectedness human beings need to survive, interact and thrive.
Karen initially commenced her career in the field of psychological in 2001, and she has received training in psychodiagnostic, psychoeducational and psychovocational assessment. She has worked with children and adults diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, Learning Disabilities, Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) and bullying. Karen has also worked with Acquired Brain Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury clients in her early career.  

Karen attained degrees in sociology, psychology and social work from the University of Western Ontario, and McMaster University.

Karen has other therapeutic areas of specialization and encourages perspective clients to contact her directly at (416) 356-1157 or karen@kmthealth.com to learn more about her locations and clinical services.

Primary Practice Location

KMT Medical and Allied Health Group
1939 Ironoak Way Suite A204,
Oakville, Ontario L6H 3V8

Phone: (905) 829-5686

Fax: (905) 829-5688


Secondary Practice Location

9131 Keele Street,
Maple Ontario L4K 2N1

Phone: (905) 829-5686

Fax: (905) 829-5688


Extended office hours: evenings, weekends

Website: https://kmthealth.com (opens in new tab)

Years of Experience


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