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Psychotherapy is extremely effective for mental health issues when you match the type of problem with the right type of therapy. Connecting with a skilled therapist requires an informed search but when it comes to finding the right help, the internet can create more confusion than clarity. With Psychotherapy Matters, we make it easy to find the right type of therapy for you.
Dedicated to Your Mental Health
Psychotherapy Matters isn’t a front for a magazine or a way of making money to fund another project. There are real people behind Psychotherapy Matters, people who believe you deserve the right resources for your health.
Search for free
You shouldn’t have to pay to find the counsellor, therapist, or mental health provider. Access to the Psychotherapy Matters registry is always free.
Always confidential
With Psychotherapy Matters, there are no registration forms, no postal codes, no required fields. That’s how much your privacy matters to us.
We do not solicit or promote specific modalities and we do our best to guide you to the help that best matches your needs and preferences.
“It has been an absolute pleasure working with a skilled team of psychiatrists. [We] have worked incredibly well together to accomplish extraordinary results in the field of mental health in our community.”
Chantel Coward, MSc., Registered Psychotherapist & Member